Guiding Principles

1. Asset-based Approach to Working with Students

  • Starts with the mindset that students are capable of being successful in college.

  • Lack of familiarity or knowledge about college doesn’t equal a lack of capacity.

  • Students come from communities with cultural wealth, which provide rich assets to build upon and enrich the classroom experience for all. 

2. Equity Focus

Every student requires different support to navigate the systems and succeed in their classes. 

  • Because of historical and current injustices, some communities and populations face systemic barriers to higher education, in particular Black and Brown communities, low-income communities, and LGBTQ+ communities. 

  • Colleges and their partner institutions should deliver transition supports tailored to individual and group needs.

3. Intentional Design

A nuanced understanding of the communities we serve and our partner institutions informs intentionally designed transitions

4. Connection to Outside Organizations

Non-traditional college students are often connected to resources in the community. Leveraging that network of support is important to ensuring students needs are met.