Resources for Further Inquiry

Tula welcoming students to the counseling office

Redesigning Counseling and Student Supports Resources

Fink, J., et. al. (2017). What Happens to Students Who Take Community College Dual Enrollment Courses in High School? New York, NY: Columbia University, Teachers College, Community College Research Center.

Jenkins, J. et, al., (2017). Implementing Guided Pathways Early Insights from the AACC Pathways Colleges.  New York, NY: Columbia University, Teachers College, Community College Research Center.

Mechur Karp M., et. al.,  (2016). How Colleges Use Integrated Planning and Advising for Student Success (iPASS) to Transform Student Support CCRC Working Paper No. 89. New York, NY: Columbia University, Teachers College, Community College Research Center.

Rose, Shelagh, et. al., (2019). (Re)Contextualizing Guided Pathways to Provide Equitable Supports for Community College Students. Journal of Applied Research in the Community College Vol. 26, Issue 2 63. San Diego, CA: San Diego State University.

Student Experience Crosswalk: Where Student Support (Re)defined and Guided Pathways Meet (2020). San Rafael, CA:The RP Group.

What We Know About Nonacademic Student Supports (2013). New York, NY: Columbia University, Teachers College, Community College Research Center.