Student support specialist greeting students

What do We Mean by Onboarding?*

Scattered student supports

Students have a lot of choices to make before they even step foot into a classroom. Our systems are not set up to support students until after they register at the college. However, before registering for classes or speaking to a counselor, they are asked to choose a major as part of the application process. During the first counselor visit—a visit that is often brief and rushed—an Ed Plan is developed for them based on the major they choose with little to no guidance. This assembly-line system to onboarding students to college leads to many students changing their major and losing time.

Guided pathways colleges are redesigning onboarding to be more customized: 

  • Exploration of the college academic opportunities and student activities

  • Preparation for college-level rigor and mindset Orientation to the college campus

  • Introduction to their student success team

  • Community-building events such as summer bridge programs & new student nights

  • Opportunities to explore career opportunities connected to the college’s programs

Step-by-step student support

Guided Pathways colleges are also supporting student decision-making and exploration

Guided pathways colleges are also revamping student-facing information and CCCApply to include meta-majors.  Students can choose a meta-major or an exploration option on CCCApply and then can explore the academic and career pathways on the college website. Many colleges now have tools on their website that support students exploring the opportunities available at the college and potential careers in the region. 

*The information in this section was gathered through research and interviews with college faculty, staff, and administrators at California Community Colleges conducted between February 2019-February 2020. For further inquiry, refer to the resource list at the end of each section.