Student support specialist greeting students

 Key Components

Stacked building blocks
  • Pre-registration meeting or event

    A meeting or event with peer mentors, counselors, or counseling assistants or advisors helps students understand how to make the most of their first year in college. The meeting or event can also help students prepare for their counselor meeting where they map their ed plan.

  • An orientation to the college and its culture, technology, and campus

    Students new to college can feel very uncomfortable the first day of classes. An orientation that helps to familiarize students with the systems, culture, and campus—everything they will engage with their first week—helps to students feel more confidant walking onto campus the first day of class.

  • Early guidance on how to be successful in college classes

    Summer bridge programs or orientations can also help students learn about the basic skills they need to be a successful student. Students can learn how to access the library, learn basic research skills, learn note taking skills, and understand how a college class is different than their high school experience.

  • Connection to resource centers and mentor programs

    Students new to college are often intimidated by the college and won’t seek or ask for help even when they really need it. Resource centers and mentor programs can provide students with a person and/or place on campus that they feel comfortable seeking advice or assistance.

  • Connection to a person at the college who can answer students’ questions or knows who can

    Students are often “ping-ponged” around when they seek answers to specific questions. Providing a contact for students that will help them find answers to their questions can help them to get what they need when they need it without experiencing frustration and confusion.

  • Career and academic exploration

    Early career and academic exploration should be a part of every new students’ experience. Even students who have declared a major may not understand the careers and academic paths available within that field. Early career exploration can help students see the whole academic and career pathway, so they are less likely to change their major later and will feel more confident and knowledgeable about their goals and future.